Patricia Piccinini
Noun: Mystery
Verb: Trust
Adjective: Parental
Sidney Nolan
"Central Australia"
Noun: Desert
Verb: Devour
Adjective: Desert

A. Best Artwork.

Although this is by no means the best artwork that I have done up to date, but due to various reasons this is the only one I have on my computer at the moment. This rendering was produced in ArchiCAD 10 for an assignment I did at TAFE.
B. Inspiration Building.
The Thorncrown Chapel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas (USA) was designed in the 1980 by American architect E. Fay Jones. Through out history the most beautiful structures designed by architects and artists are usually religious buildings (St Peter's Basilica, Sagrade Familia and the Hagia Sophia). The simplicity of this building and it's location breaks traditionally church designs (in the shape of a crucifix), this encourages others to think outside the square.