Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Week6 - Electroliquid Aggregation

Jane Goodall and Stephen Hawking.
"There are different ways of looking out and trying to understand the world around us. There is the sciencific window that believes in pure evidence, and all that evidence shows God was actually quite a gambler. There's another window, it's the window through which the wise men, the holy men, the masters, of the different and great religions look as they try to understand the meaning in the world."

Week6 - Unreal model

Still have issues with the scale in this program.

Week6 - Parallel projections

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week5 - Unreal Map1

Week5 - 18 Axonometric Sketches

The main concept behind Jane Goodall's axonometric (first 9) is the human's relationship between us and the environment that surrounds us, the way we consume and take over.
The idea behind Stephen Hawking's axonometric (last 9) is the concept of parallel universes.

Week5 - 3 Quotes

Stephen Hawking.

"All the evidence shows that God was actually quite a gambler, and the universe is a great casino, where dice are thrown, and roulette wheels spin on every occasion."
Reference - ThinkExist, Stephen Hawking quotes, http://thinkexist.com/quotes/stephen_hawking/, accessed on 22/04/2008.

Jane Goodall.

"Thinking back over my life, it seems to me that there are different ways of looking out and trying to understand the world around us. There's a very clear scientific window. And it does enable us to understand an awful lot about what's out there. There's another window, it's the window through which the wise men, the holy men, the masters, of the different and great religions look as they try to understand the meaning in the world. My own preference is the window of the mystic."
Reference - Universal Kinship Society, Jane Goodall Quotes, http://www.uksociety.org/jane_goodall.htm, accessed on 22/04/2008.

Florence Nightingale.

"Law is no explanation of anything; law is simply a generalization, a category of facts. Law is neither a cause, nor a reason, nor a power, nor a coercive force. It is nothing but a general formula, a statistical table."
Reference - http://www.worldofquotes.com/author/Florence-Nightingale/1/index.html accessed on 22/04/2008.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Week4 - 3 Videos

Here are the links.

Week4 - Test Video

I didn't have time to make one of my own but I did find something thats related to one of my themes

Week3 - Artist

Sidney Nolan - Central Australia.
This is just my opinion on his work. In a simplistic way his work is rough but elegant, using strong set of colours in this case a mixture of red and blue. In some of his other works the subject of the painting is usually cartoon like; this is especially true in his work of Ned Kelly, of this doesn't soften some of the themes as some of the Ned Kelly paintings shows scenes of killing. 

Patricia Piccinini - Nest
In this piece the material used is fiberglass. Her work usually deals with themes such as bioethics and biotechnology. The steps that was involved in this piece I think was; she started by studying the shapes of the two subjects (scooter and cow/deer), followed by sketches of which positions the parental and child will take, refine the sketches to show the affection showed by the parental towards the child, made a mold for both, casted the mold then finally painting them.

Week3 - Parental

Patricia Piccinini - Nest
Word - Parental
The concept is still there. With Brad's advice I decide to raise the height of the larger building (Parent) a bit, this not only shows dominates over the smaller building (child) but it also shows that the larger building is always looking out for the smaller one like a parent looking out for his/her child.

Texture - Rough

Week3 - Devour

idney Nolan - Central Australia
Word - Devour
The basic concept is still light devouring darkness and vice versa. The stairs has been modified to reflect the same concept in a different theme. The treads start normal, gradually decrease in size, sloped and positioned over a pitfall. With the walls enclosing in on you and the pitfall below, it feels like you're been eaten by a whale.

Texture - Bumpy

Week3 - 36 Textures

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Week2 - Stairs "Devour"

Keep this simple. The building is completely enclosed, there should be only a small amount of light inside, the glass on top will protrude through the ground allowing of light into the building. This is the concept, light devouring the darkness. 

Week2 - Stairs "Parental"

The bigger building represents the adult (parent) and the smaller building represents the child. The use of different materials reinforces that concept. Metal is strong and glass is often seen as fragile and weak. The idea of using different size trends for the stairs and different materials further reinforces the symbolise, that the child in his/her early years depend on his/her parents. When the smaller treads are gone that represents that the child have grown up but yet the parent is still always there, this is represented by the cantilever of the trends. Each landing represents a milestone in the child's life. The reappearance of the smaller trends represents that late in the child's life there will come a time when he needs help again and always the concept of the stairs is there whether you are walking up or down the stairs.

Week2 - Stairs "Trust"

The idea is for the users of the stairs and studio to trust in the material no matter how fragile it seems and how unstable the structure seems.

Week2 - Sections of Stairs

Week1 - 18 Sketches