Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week10 - Dining Table (draft)

Re-using 2 perspectives from Week8 and 9, which symbolises solitude and divided, in recent times alot of people thinks Apple has become a "one man" show. According to Fortune (http://money.cnn.com/2008/03/02/news/companies/elkind_jobs.fortune/) "Steve Jobs running the company from Jail would be better for the stock price than Steve Jobs no being CEO"
Likewise for Zhang, she has been criticised for appointing her son as a nonexecutive member of her company.

Week10 - Unreal Map (office draft)

The idea behind this office space for Zhang Yin is "breaking tradition". The use of traditional construction method with modern material, a metaphor of Zhang breaking the traditional grip of men's hold of power in the corporate world. The reason I have chosen that form for the pillar is to symbolise her transition from rugs to riches and her wish to further expand her company. In one of the articles I read people refers to her as the "Queen of trash" due to the how she made her fortune, she aspirates to be call the "Queen of paper", the glass ceiling opening up the office to the sky expresses that aspiration.

Week10 - 36 Textures (movement)

Week9 - Elevator (draft)

The concept behind the elevator for Steve Jobs is simplicity, with a subtle change in the form of a primitive shape. Like how Apple (Jobs' company) and Jobs revolutionised the digital music format with the iPod.
If I can get the right materials in unreal editor, the material will add a more literal meaning of power to the elevator.

Week9 - 18 Perspectives (6 one point and 12 two point)

Week8 - Mashup

Yes, it’s a nice color — and welcome now that spring has at least officially arrived. But given how green has come to stand for everything noble and self-sacrificing, a reminder that everything we do (like breathe) is hastening the destruction of the planet Steve Jobs’ companies take heaps of waste paper from the United States and Europe, ship it to China and recycle it into corrugated cardboard, which is then used for boxes that are packed with toys, electronics and furniture that is stamped ''Made in China'' and often shipped right back across the ocean to American consumers.
By now it's one of the most remarkable stories in business. When Jobs returned in 1997 to Apple - then facing its own near-death experience - he arrived with a tarnished legend. He was, of course, the charismatic boy wonder who at age 21 had co-founded Apple with Steve Wozniak in his parents' garage back in 1976. He was worth $200 million by 25, made the cover of Time magazine at 26, and was thrown out of the company at age 30, in 1985.
Zhang Yin -
Barboza D., The New York times, Blazing A Paper Trail In China; A Self-Made Billonaire Wrote Her Ticket On Recycled Cardboard, Januray 16, 2007 <http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C03E5DA1030F935A25752C0A9619C8B63&scp=2&sq=Zhang+Yin&st=nyt> (accessed May 08, 2008).
Steve Jobs -
Elkind P., Fortune, The trouble with Steve Jobs <http://money.cnn.com/2008/03/02/news/companies/elkind_jobs.fortune/> (accessed May 08, 2008).
Donatella Versace -
Colman D., The New York Times, Just a Few Favorite Indulgences, March 23, 2008 <http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/23/fashion/23POSS.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&oref=slogin> (accessed May 08, 2008).

Week8 - Unreal Map 1

Week8 - 18 Perspectives (6 one point and 12 two point)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Week7 - Unreal Map on Filefront.com

The link below is my file on filefront.com.

Week7 - FINAL Unreal Map

Had to modify some of the existing axonometric to match the quotes and the clients more accurately.
Dark Texture.

A Telescope.

The telescope represents Stephen Hawking's life long work to understand the universe.

Ramp leading to the meeting. The ramp leading from Stephen Hawking's space represents a black hole. The ramp leading from Jane Goodall's space represent nothing at first, but combined with the other ramp they represents the double helix structure of the DNA (since our DNA and the DNA of chimps are similar, Jane Goodall specialises in the study of chimps). The meeting place itself represents the singularity of a black hole, in some theories of quantum physics, in a black hole exists parallel universe, so it could also represent the beginning.

The structure canilevering off the edge is Jane Goodall's space and the other space is Stephen Hawking's. Stephen Hawking's space/lab is floating in space because it is his field of expertise, space and the universe. One way of looking at the edge is that it represents the earth, and Jane Goodall specialises in the social groups of chimps, it is only fitting to have her lab there.

The electroliquid aggregation mentions God and windows viewed by different people. In this case if there is a God, maybe he/she will look at us through a microscope as we look at bacterias in the context of the whole universe.

Ramp, medium texture in the middle. The meeting place is a fusion of the two ideas of the black hole and the beginning of time. The Big Bang. Where the universe and the oldest social group (in a way that seems reasonable), the galaxies was born.

Jane Goodall's quote. Viewed through a specific window and you'll only see the object through that perspective.

Same as above. Dark and light textures

The squares into represents a group of chimps. The red light symoblise the perspective a hunter, where as the white light symbolises the perspective of the researchers and the green light respents the naturalist.

Week7 - 36 Textures. Light - Dark